Do you enjoy GWRRA? Introducing a friend to GWRRA is really simple. Just tell them what it is that you like about the organization - the rides, the friends, and the FUN. Give them some basic information and invite them to a meeting or a ride. Better yet, drop by their place on your bike and lead them to one of our events. Chances are they'll have some fun and want to join us again - after all, we're a pretty friendly bunch! What if all your current friends are already in GWRRA? (LOL!!!) Well, if you don't have any other friends that ride, I'm sure from time to time you'll see other bikes on the road, at a store, gas station or in a parking lot. These are opportunities to talk to them about where they ride and who they ride with. Most of the time, you'll end up talking about your participation in GWRRA. There are several types of information you can pass out to peak someone's interest. Wing World Magazine is great benefit of membership, giving out one your old magazines is a good way to familiarize them with our group. Place your phone number or our web site address on the magazine so they can get back with you. There are times you may not have an opportunity to speak with the rider. In those cases, you can place one of your business cards on their bike. You can always keep some in your trunk or saddle bags to easily hand out. Don't forget to write your name and GWRRA number at the bottom. If they join, you will receive acknowledgement that you recruited a new member. I even have some in the glove box of my 4-wheeler - you just never know when the next chance meeting of a fellow biker will occur. One of the things that I personally do is to leave my Chapter F business card. This business card has our meeting time/date and location on the rear of the card - it also has our web site address. You can click the link above and make your own Chapter F business cards to help you do a little recruiting. If they have any interest, they will most likely check out our web site. Of course, we try to keep the site up-to-date and fresh for our members, as well as any visitors. This provides a great snapshot into the GWRRA "Chapter Life" that we enjoy as friends. Remember our motto "Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge". If you enjoy your membership and the good times we have when we get together - chances are they will too - just share your enthusiasm!!!